The model is described on the Compartmental Models Wikipedia Page.

I wrote a quick-and-dirty Dash app to eyeball good initial starting values for the parameters.

Quick & Dirty Dash App Code to visualize a continuous time SEIR model
import requests
import dash, json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
from functools import lru_cache
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc

from pyswarm import pso
from plotly.graph_objs import *
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from plotly import graph_objs as go
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output

# @lru_cache(maxsize = 3)
def get_data(country = 'Spain'):
    assert country in ['Spain', 'United Kingdom']

    data = requests.get('')
    data = pd.DataFrame(data.json()[country])
    data = data.loc[data.deaths >= 10, :] = pd.to_datetime(
    data.reset_index(inplace = True)

    if country == 'Spain':
        lockdown_date = dt.datetime(2020, 3, 15)
    if country == 'United Kingdom':
        lockdown_date = dt.datetime(2020, 3, 24)

    return data, lockdown_date

def dydt(y, t, *args):
    S, E, I, R = y; N = np.sum(y);
    b_0, b_1, a, y, t_l = args
    dxdt = np.zeros(4)
    b = b_0 * np.exp(-b_1 * np.max([0, t - t_l])) # b_0 if t <= t_l else b_1

    dxdt[0] = -b*S*I/N
    dxdt[1] = b*S*I/N - a*E
    dxdt[2] = a*E - y*I
    dxdt[3] = y*I
    return dxdt

def simulate(b_0 = 0.99, b_1 = 0.1, t_l = 50, n = 1e6, e_0 = 10, i_0 = 0, t = 100, infec_prd = 5, recov_prd = 7):
    theta = (b_0, b_1, 1/infec_prd, 1/recov_prd, t_l)
    initial_state = [n - e_0 - i_0, e_0, i_0, 0]
    simuation = odeint(dydt, initial_state, np.arange(t), args = theta)
    return simuation

app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets = [dbc.themes.YETI])

app.layout = html.Div(children=[

        html.H1(children='SEIR Visualization'),

        html.Label('Select country:'),

            dbc.ListGroupItem("United Kingdom", id="country_uk", n_clicks=0),
            dbc.ListGroupItem("Spain", id="country_sp", n_clicks=1)]


        html.Label('β before intervention:'),

                marks={i: 'Label {}'.format(i) if i == 1 else str(np.round(i, 1)) for i in np.linspace(0, 5, 10)},

        html.Label('q: (β after intervention = β exp[-q * time since intervention])'),

                marks={i: 'Label {}'.format(i) if i == 1 else str(np.round(i, 1)) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 10)},

        html.Label('Log of initial population exposed:'),

                marks={i: 'Label {}'.format(i) if i == 1 else str(int(np.round(i))) for i in np.linspace(-7, np.log(47e6), 10)},

        html.Label('Infectious Period:'),

                marks={i: 'Label {}'.format(i) if i == 1 else str(int(np.round(i))) for i in np.linspace(1, 14, 7)},

        html.Label('Removal Period:'),

                marks={i: 'Label {}'.format(i) if i == 1 else str(int(np.round(i))) for i in np.linspace(1, 14, 7)},
        ], style = {
            "position": "fixed",
            "top": 0,
            "left": 0,
            "bottom": 0,
            "width": "19rem",
            "padding": "2rem 1rem",
            "background-color": "#f8f9fa",

    html.Div(children = [

        dbc.Alert(id = "prop-rem", color="primary"),

        dcc.Graph(id='viz-graph')], style = {
            "margin-left": "18rem",
            "margin-right": "2rem",
            "padding": "2rem 1rem",

    [Output("country_uk", "active"),
     Output("country_sp", "active")],
    [Input("country_uk", "n_clicks"),
     Input("country_sp", "n_clicks")]
def update_country(ncl_uk, ncl_sp):
    print((ncl_uk, ncl_sp))
    if ncl_uk is None:
        return False, True
    if (ncl_sp is None) or (ncl_sp >= ncl_uk):
        return False, True
    return True, False

    Output("e_0", "value"),
    [Input("country_uk", "active"),
     Input("country_sp", "active")]
def update_initial_exposed(country_uk, country_sp):
    if country_uk:
        e_0 = 9
    if country_sp:
        e_0 = 10
    return e_0

    [Output("viz-graph", "figure"),
     Output("prop-rem", "children")],
    [Input("country_uk", "active"),
     Input("country_sp", "active"),
     Input("b_0", "value"),
     Input("b_1", "value"),
     Input("e_0", "value"),
     Input("infec_prd", "value"),
     Input("recov_prd", "value")]
def update_histogram(country_uk, country_sp, b_0, b_1, e_0, infec_prd, recov_prd):

    if country_uk:
        country = 'United Kingdom'
    if country_sp:
        country = 'Spain'
    data, lockdown_date = get_data(country)

    ifr = 0.01
    n = len(data.deaths)
    t_l = np.argwhere(np.array( == lockdown_date))[0, 0]
    simulated_seir = simulate(b_0 = b_0, b_1 = b_1, t_l = t_l, n = 47e6, t = n, e_0 = np.exp(e_0), i_0 = 0, infec_prd = infec_prd, recov_prd = recov_prd)
    timestamps = data.loc[1:, 'date']
    simulated_removals_diff = np.diff(simulated_seir[:, 3])
    actual_removals_diff = np.diff(data.deaths)

    return {
            'data': [
                {'x': timestamps, 'y': simulated_removals_diff, 'type': 'line', 'name': 'Predicted'},
                {'x': timestamps, 'y': actual_removals_diff/ifr, 'type': 'line', 'name': country},
            'layout': {
                'title': 'Removed Population',
                'yaxis': {'range': [1, 7], 'type': 'log'}
        }, str('Proportion removed: ' + str(int(1000 - simulated_seir[-1, 0]/47e3)/10) + '%.')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run_server(debug=True, port=8080, host='')

A Discrete Time SEIR Model in JAGS

This is an implementation of the discrete time epidemiological (SEIR) model based on:

P. E. Lekone and B. F. Finkenstädt, “Statistical Inference in a Stochastic Epidemic SEIR Model with Control Intervention”, 2006.

I’ve made some changes to it, e.g. below, an intervention does not lead to an exponential decay of exposure probabilities - rather, the intervention considered here (a lockdown) just leads to lower exposure probabilities. If the population is large, the paths are very close to the model’s continuous time counterpart (the binomial variance is pretty small), so perhaps the stochastic treatment of the paths (and so many hidden states) isn’t necessary.

model {
    b_i ~ dexp(1)
    b_m ~ dunif(0, b_i)

    S[1] = N
    E[1] = E_0
    I[1] = 0
    R[1] = 0

    for(t in 1:(T - 1)) {

        S[t + 1] = S[t] - B[t]
        E[t + 1] = E[t] + B[t] - C[t]
        I[t + 1] = I[t] + C[t] - D[t]
        R[t + 1] = R[t] + D[t]

        B[t] ~ dbin(Pr[t], S[t])
        C[t] ~ dbin(1 - exp(-p), E[t])
        D[t] ~ dbin(1 - exp(-y), I[t])

        b[t] = ifelse(t <= T_l, b_m, b_i)
        Pr[t] = 1 - exp(-b[t] * I[t] / N)


Gaussian Processes in MGCV

I lay out the canonical GP interpretation of MGCV’s GAM parameters here. Prof. Wood updated the package with stationary GP smooths after a request. Running through the predict.gam source code in a debugger, the computation of predictions appears to be as follows:

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I wanted to see how easy it was to do photogrammetry (create 3d models using photos) using PyTorch3D by Facebook AI Research.

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Dead Code & Syntax Trees

This post was motivated by some R code that I came across (over a thousand lines of it) with a bunch of if-statements that were never called. I wanted an automatic way to get a minimal reproducing example of a test from this file. While reading about how to do this, I came across Dead Code Elimination, which kills unused and unreachable code and variables as an example.

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I used to do a fair bit of astrophotography in university - it’s harder to find good skies now living in the city. Here are some of my old pictures. I’ve kept making rookie mistakes (too much ISO, not much exposure time, using a slow lens, bad stacking, …), for that I apologize!

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Probabilistic PCA

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Spotify Data Exploration

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Random Stuff

For dealing with road/city networks, refer to Geoff Boeing’s blog and his amazing python package OSMnx. Go to Shapely for manipulation of line segments and other objects in python, networkx for networks in python and igraph for networks in R.

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Morphing with GPs

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Speech Synthesis

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